This topic is not so easy for me to talk about, but it is something I want to share. For many years I have dealt with problems with my complexion. When the teen years arrived, skin issues arrived along with it. I had major problems with acne, which caused me to have low self-esteem because I was embarrassed by it. Sometimes I didn't even want to go to school. I eventually went on some harsh medication to combat the pimples, but along with that came a whole new set of things to deal with. The medicine caused my face to get red and peel. I looked forward to getting older, because I mistakenly believed that my face would improve. It did somewhat, but I had a weird combination of breakouts and dry flaky patches, which continued into my forties. To top it all off, I was diagnosed with rosacea in my late thirties. I never thought my skin looked nice. I would wish that I could have smooth, clear skin, but I didn’t think that would ever happen. Then I learned about essential oil...
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