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The Almost Hike

In my first post I asked what kinds of things your family likes to do together. It might be playing games or shopping.  Some families like spending time outdoors fishing, hunting or camping.  Even if it is something that isn't a top priority to all of you, like say hiking, be open to give it a try. Remember you are creating memories.

My family and I have tried to go on a few hikes.  They have been memorable for different reasons.  Two years ago I had an inspiration to go hiking.  My dear husband looked online and found a place about an hour away.  We all jumped in the car and headed to our destination.  On our way, I noticed we were getting low on gas.  I told my husband that we should get some gas and he said no we will be fine. We head to where this hike is supposed to be, driving on gravel roads and it went on and on-the whole time I am in the front passenger seat sweating it out, fearing that we were going to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. After what seemed like ages, we arrived at the place we think the trail is supposed to be. Then one of my sons noticed a sign that said to watch out for rattlesnakes.  I thought, great we are walking on a narrow path with tall grass and rocks on the sides. This looks like a haven for snakes!  It wasn’t a very relaxing hike.  Everyone kept thinking they heard a noise, and my second born son thought he saw a snake eating something.  At this point, I am feeling stress-this was supposed to be a fun relaxing hike!  My husband was in front and I was right behind him.  He started to climb up on a rock when he gets a freaked out look on his face and I knew that he probably saw or heard a rattler. We both turned around and all of us walked very fast (or ran) back to the car.  We had just enough gas to make it to the closest town and then we headed back home.  

Was this the hike that I had imagined in my head? Of course not, but we have a story that we can look back on together and we can laugh about it now (it took me a little while to get to that point). Creating memories together as a family helps build lasting bonds. Think of something fun, and maybe out of your comfort zone, that you can do with your family this week.


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