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Warm Weather, Insects & Mild Concussions

I love warm sunny weather.  Summer is one of my favorite times of the year, but one thing I don’t like about  summer is the increased bug activity. One time I even gave myself a minor concussion because I thought a wasp was flying at my head.  Since my kids were napping,  I decided to do some work in our backyard when we were living in California.  I had a large piece of ceramic tile in my hand that I was going to put in the ground, and a “wasp” (actually a box elder bug) flew at my head. I then tried to swish it away with the hand that held the tile.  A moment of fear caused me to forget what was in my hand and I ended up smacking myself in the head!

I now have a way to keep some of those pesky bugs at bay. I love learning about the benefits of Young Living essential oils and how I can incorporate them into my everyday living.  One way I use them is to ward off insects.  I keep a small 4 oz spray bottle filled with 1/2 cup distilled water and 8-9 drops of peppermint oil handy to use on my plants to keep unwanted bugs off them.  This is one of my favorite oils because it is so versatile.  I also spray it around the inside of the house as an alternative to insect spray, so I am not using anything harmful to us or our cat. This is also safe to spray on yourself as an insect repellent and it can also have the added benefit of cooling you down when the weather is hot. If you do get a bite or stung, applying a couple drops of Lavender oil several times a day works wonders!

If you would like more information on essential oils please visit this website or feel free to contact me.

Member #12551034
*Statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Young Living products are not intended to cure, mitigate, treat or prevent diseases.


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